So here's the thing ... I wanted to create a blog, but I wasn't entirely sure what I would blog about. I was invited to join a private blog as a co-author, and I completed my first blog post today and realized, "Huh, this isn't that difficult." It's not as if every blogged word has to be gold. At this point, no one else is even reading it!
A rundown of my day so far -- I awoke, fed the dogs and cat, and then turned to the coffee maker. No coffee. Not a problem for most people, right? Well, my coffee tends to be either strong enough to float a horseshoe or so weak that you wonder if a little dirt was mixed in with your water -- not appetizing. So I called the common-sense hotline: my mom's cellphone. She explained that it's one scoop per two cups of coffee. Even I can do that. Of course, we'll see if I remember the ratio correctly next time.
Then I gathered all my stuff and headed for work ... after backing the car into a patch of sunlight so the film of ice would melt. I refuse to scrape my windshield in late March!
Above is a photo of a card I did for a recent team challenge on The Greeting Farm blog. I made this card while my nephews colored in some stamps. I actually (...dramatic pause ...) let them use my Copic markers. They were suitably impressed by the quality and were very responsible with them.
Tonight is "party night," so they'll be coming over for a sleepover/movie-watching/popcorn-eating/but-NO-Mountain-Dew extravaganza.
I learned my lesson last time. We finished off an entire 2-liter of Mt. Dew (admittedly, I drank most of it), and Nephew 1 totally tattled on me. No more Dew for him! They were bouncing off the walls. Of course, the candy, ice cream, pizza and popcorn probably didn't help. We'll stick with root beer this time, and maybe taper off on the rest. But it is supposed to be a party. Well, I'll compromise. They get candy or ice cream, not both. That's responsible and adult of me, right?
why should you be the responsible adult? You're supposed to be the great, hip, best Auntie in the world!
ReplyDeleteHowever, if you want to watch them/party with them again, it would be best to be....FUN!
You thought I was gonna say resp.....huh?